Serge Della-Negra, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer
Serge Della-Negra is the Chief Scientific Officer of Bienne Technology. He received a doctorate in nuclear physics from the University of Paris-Orsay and obtained a CNRS Bronze Medal for his Doctorat es Sciences . Della-Negra is Director of Research Emeritus affiliated with the Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules and with the Irene Joliot-Curie Laboratory in Orsay, France. His fundamental research on particle-solid interactions was recognized with Recipient of the CNRS award for scientific excellence. He is a key contributor to the development of Surface analysis with high cluster and molecular ion beams especially with the Gold Liquid Metal Ion Source, Au-LMIS, and the leader in spatially resolved secondary ion detection. He received the Beynon prize for the best published paper in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. Della-Negra founded in Orsay the Andromede project, a unique facility word-wide, combining a 4 MeV accelerator with an Au-LMIS for analyzing matter at the submicron scale.